Christ And The Maya Calendar: 2012 And The Coming Of The Antichrist

Author: Robert Powell & Kevin Dann

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  • : 49.95 NZD
  • : 9781584200710
  • : SteinerBooks, Inc
  • : Lindisfarne Books
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  • : 0.415
  • : 01 March 2009
  • : 152mm X 229mm X 16mm
  • : United States
  • : 49.95
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  • : Robert Powell & Kevin Dann
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  • : Paperback
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  • : 001.9
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  • : 280
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  • : 1, colour illustrations
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Barcode 9781584200710


Despite the explosion of books, videos and TV shows that claim to penetrate the mystery of "2012" - the numerical shorthand for the completion on December 21, 2012, of the thirteenth B'ak'tun cycle in the Long Count of the Maya calendar - consensus about its meaning seems to remain elusive. As metaphysical speculation mounts, professional astronomers and ethnologists dismiss the whole body of modern interpretations of the Mayan calendar as New Age gobbledygook. Among the supposed seers themselves-including Jose Arguelles, Carl Johann Calleman, and Daniel Pinchbeck-doctrinal disputes worthy of academics are now the norm. The scholars have every right to be miffed at the sometimes sloppy thinking and exaggerated claims of the seers, which tend toward enthusiastic proclamations of an imminent, universally accelerated psychic evolution, while the seers themselves have legitimate critiques about the limits of scientific inquiry when it comes to the prophetic traditions of ancient peoples.

Christ and the Maya Calendar approaches the significance of 2012 by spiritually penetrating phenomena of today. Drawing on the book of Revelation-which provides an archetype for understanding spiritual history, as well as on Rudolf Steiner's Apocalyptic indications, a completely new context for grasping the end date of the Maya calendar emerges. In a November 1919 lecture, Steiner made a stunning remark about Ahriman: "Ahriman skillfully prepares his goal beforehand ...[and] will find an important instrument for preparing his incarnation. His incarnation is undoubtedly coming, and this lack of insight will enable him to prepare it triumphantly." The subtitle of this book - "2012 and the Coming of the Antichrist" - refers to this coming incarnation of Ahriman. In fact, Steiner narrowed the timeline for Ahriman's incarnation, saying it would come "before even a small part of the third millennium has run its course." Just after Christmas 1919, Steiner revealed more about the impending incarnation of Ahriman, saying almost offhandedly that Ahriman's name might be "John William Smith." With this remark, he clearly pointed to the incarnation occurring in the English-speaking West, while other remarks made it is certain Steiner meant that the incarnation would take place in America. In addition to penetrating the spiritual background of our time in relation to the coming of the Antichrist (the incarnation of Ahriman), the authors explore the significance of the Mexican mysteries and present a wealth of new research with the intention of helping the reader to navigate the Apocalyptic scenario currently shaping up, with the global financial crisis as one important expression. Most important, the authors refer to the Second Coming of Christ as the true event of our time; the incarnation of Satan/Ahriman is its shadow. The authors also show the significance of Divine Sophia as the antidote to negative consequences of Ahriman's incarnation. Finally, as a positive manifestation of the world of spirit in our time, the book discusses the significance of the young anthroposophist, Judith von Halle, who since Easter 2004 has born the stigmata, the visible signs of the wounds of Christ.

Author description

Robert Powell was born in Reading and studied mathematics at the University of Sussex. He is a eurythmist and movement therapist living in Kinsau, Germany. Powell is the author of numerous books and articles and is a co-founder of the Sophia Foundation of North America.

Kevin Dann has taught history at State University of New York, the University of Vermont and Rutgers University.